Saturday, November 12, 2011

What Shabbat Looks Like at our House...

I was recently asked this question:

“Lynn, when you prepare the meals for Shabbat the day before, how do you serve them warm on the Sabbath day? I have never quite gotten my brain wrapped around that concept. I would love to see a blow-by-blow description of a "composite" Shabbat for your family sometime, when/if you have some time to type it out, please. Like how you prepare and what the actual day actually LOOKS like in your family.”

I’ve answered this before in earlier posts, complete with scripture. Now that we’ve kept Shabbat for a few years, we have changed a few things, streamed lined a few things, and Shabbat has become even more blessed and a much anticipated rest at the end of the week.

Please remember, I have older children who are a wonderful help and we enjoy having a big, festive meal. This was much more difficult when they were all younger and we didn’t really know what we were doing…

~Sunday through Wednesday We actually begin preparations for Shabbat on Sunday by reading the new Parasha, (the scripture reading set up by Ezra to keep the Hebrews learning scripture) the Haftarah, (the portion of the prophets that corresponds to the Parahsa) and the Brit Chadasha, (the corresponding New Testament portion.) During the week, we study these and several extra biblical texts, Biblical and Modern Hebrew, history, geography, ancient sociology, nutrition, climate, archeology, cultural anthropology, etc... anything that helps us further understand the text.

I try to plan my menu around the things we’ve studied but I don’t always achieve this. Dietary needs, taste preferences, ingredient availability, budget, and whim is sometimes limiting…

The menu encompasses the Shabbat evening meal on Friday evening, a Shabbat breakfast & lunch on Saturday, and leftovers for Saturday night supper, and even several more meals. I also try to plan the menu to be hot for Shabbat evening and either a cold lunch or to stay warm in the crock pot for lunch. Many Mediterranean and Middle Eastern meals are ideal for this.

~Thursdays are usually reserved for school, shopping, and cleaning.

~Fridays are devoted to cooking and last minute prep. I have older children who are great workers so I can devote myself to this. I make sure to employ crock pots, rice cookers, (they’re not just for rice) hot water pots, warmers to make this easier. I would someday like some nice serving pieces to really make the food look as good as it tastes, and maybe even a Blech keep it all warm.


~Shabbat is sundown Friday until sundown Saturday~

Here’s what our Shabbat looks like:

~Sundown Friday~ Shabbat begins. I cover my hair, we gather around the food for Kiddush, blessings, prayers, a little singing, an explanation of the menu to the Parasha. Then we Eat, talk, discuss, laugh… Then, clear the table, food left in crock pots or put in ‘fridge, dishes to soak (Clint has everything washed up before Shabbat begins as a kindness to me so there really aren’t many dirty dishes)

After Dinner, we might have a quick summary of the Parasha, watch an online Parasha study, or we might watch a “Sabbathy” movie, or go visit someone. Usually, I’m just ready for bed!

~Saturday morning~ Sleep late! Stay in our special Shabbat PJ’s all day!!! Shabbat is all about resting and remembering. We don’t have to work, or shop, or cook; we only need to rest. All meals are ready so I don’t have to do anything, just set out the breakfast and maybe some items to come to room temp in time for lunch. I am a total Lady of Leisure on Shabbat!!!

Clint might go to synagogue or a Bible study but I usually stay home, that’s what I love. About once a month we’ll all travel to a meeting with like-minded people for fellowship.

~Saturday midday~ We will eat our lunch, dishes in the sink and then begin our Bible study. We might have some folks over or it might be just us.

Now THIS can get fierce. My older children are very good at bringing what they’ve learned during the week to the table and we’ll discuss, debate, argue, listen, compare, read, consider… It can be intense and once, my 19 son actually yelled out:

“The Marquis of Queensbury Rules will be observed at all times!”

Our Bible study can last hours and sometimes, it is very short. A few times, we don’t have Bible study at all but instead there may be a need in the community and we will go help. One time, we had a tornado hit the adjacent town and the guys were able to get there quickly, before emergency services and help out.

~Saturday afternoon~ Clint joins a Jerusalem-based online Torah study and I have my Hebrew studies. We are free to play, read, nap… We love to go to the state parks and hike. Sometimes we’ll go visit people and sometimes we’ll continue our Torah study.

~Saturday sundown~ supper and Havdalah, when we mark the end Shabbat and the beginning of the work week with prayers of thankfulness and blessing. I dearly love the Havdalah prayer…

~Saturday night~ Shabbat is over and our work week begins again. We clean up, wash the dishes, and then it’s off to Broomball. Or we’ll watch a movie and eat freshly popped popcorn, since we can cook again!!!

It is a wonderful time with our family and The Father. I only wish that we had always kept Shabbat.


Shabbat Shalom v'Shavua Tov!


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